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Senin, 14 September 2009

Custom house Robs toba

Custom house Robs so-called Toba Bolon's House, get elongated foursquare form and episodic being dwelt by 5 until 6 families. To enter house shall go up ladder that lies medial home, with peculiar rung amount. If person wants to come in house Robs Toba shall take a bow in order not to most bend on beaming one across, it diartikan expects a guest to have respects the lady of the house.

Episodic home floor until 1,75 meters at aboveground, and underside used to den babyi, chicken, etcetera. Previously entrance has 2 door leaf kinds, which is door leaf that horizontal and vertical, but present door leaf that cast-off horizontal. Customs indoor hall constitute openended hall without room, although populating there more than one family, but is not meaning no hall division, since indoor this custom hall division drew the line by their strong custom

Angles dorsal hall next door jabu bong's so-called right, one that stayed by house head or porjabu bong, with wife and children that stills little. This hall is preceding reputed most sacred. At front left angle with Jabu Bong called by destined Jabu Soding for girl already gets married but haven't had alone house. At fronts left angle called by Jabu Suhat, for eldest boy already kimpoi and at its cross is called Slaps destined Saucer for guest. If family outgrows therefore arranged by place between 2 rooms or jabu what does berdempetan, so crescent hall 2 again and this hall is so-called Jabu Tonga Ronga Ni Jabu Rona.

Every family has alone kitchen that lies is after house, as outbuilding. Between 2 hall suite namely medial home constitute the so called neutral region lakes and in function as place get deliberation. Kindred other building with house is sopo namely as home as indigenous place granary keeps, then is populated. In contrast with house is: Floored Sopo two, just has a line front pillar and bottom hall be opened without functioning wall for deliberation, accepting expatriate and music playground. On customs home frontage gotten by trappings with geographical lining motif and spiral and decoration as milk of woman is adep adep the so called. This decoration epitomize life fecundity source and unity device.

Trappings all the much house it called by Gorga. Another decoraton gets fern motif called by nipahu, and prickly cane to be called mardusi who lies at wall on entrance. On home angles to be gotten jump Elephant decorations, get animal face motif, having intention as repellent as army. So too embellishment gets lizard animal motif, carry the wind lion that is meant to refuse danger as voodoo from outside. This decoration available one as fretwork then given by color, there is too which as picture only.

Custom house Robs Toba bases its function can be differentiated to indoors that is utilized for family home called by ruma, and house that is utilized as repository (granary) called by Sopo. Building-materials consisting of wood with big and robust pillars. Wall of board or tepas, floor also of board whereas roof from ijuk. Home typical type custom Robs Toba is shaped its warped roof and at the end foreside roof.


jam gadang

The time of day Swagger is titled for one clock tower which lies at Bukittinggi's City heart, West Sumatra province. The time of day Swagger is titled one be given by society Minangkabau to that clock tower building, since really that tower have hour that "swagger", or "the time of day that big" (the time of day gadang=jam outgrows; "swagger" big matter in lingual Minangkabau).

In such a way fenomenalnya clock tower building named that Swagger Hour at the time is built, so since forming Swagger Hour have become cynosure one any one. That thing too which beget Swagger Hour made by awl or markah is Bukittinggi's City earth and also as one of West Sumatra province ikon.

The time of day Swagger is built on year 1926 by Yazid Sutan's architects Fills Teeth Ameh. This the time of day constitutes a present from Dutch Queen to Rook Maker, Controleur (City secretary) Bukittinggi on Hindia's Governance term Dutch before. First stone situating son does this hour Rook Maker first that time is still old 6 years.

Base lay out (following tread building ladder which had up towards Market On) of this Swagger Hour is 13x4 meter, meanwhile in height 26 meters.

The time of day this Swagger Is moving mechanical ala and consisting of four hours / four clock face that fourth had up angle aim winks wind with each clock face gets diameter 80 cm.

This clock tower have experienced several times transformation on its top part. Initially culminates this clock tower is globulous and on it cock statue stand. While comes in to colonize Indonesia, Japanese occupying governance change that top as gets klenteng's form. On independence term, its form is changed again as ornamen Minangkabau's custom house.

Swagger Hour development this konon eats up development total cost 3.000 Guilders, categorised cost grotesque for that time measure. But that thing is paid illustriously it this Swagger Hour as markah at a swoop earth as device or Bukittinggi's City ikon. The time of day Swagger also specified as zero point of Bukittinggi's City.
There is one uniqueness of roman numerals on this Swagger clock face. If roman numeral writing usually attaches symbol "IV." to epitomize number four romen, therefore this Swagger Hour gets to set down number four romen with symbol "IIII" (generally IV.).


Singkarak's lake

Singkarak's lake is at two regencies at West Sumatra, Jazzy regency and Regency Plain. Broadly 107,8 km² this lake constitute lake most 2nd extent at Sumatra Island. This lake constitute Ombilin's Bar upstream. This lake water a portion is streamed through tunnel penetrates Mountain Range to go to Termite Bar to move PLTA Singkarak's generator at elbow Lubuk Alung, Pariaman's moorland.

bilih's fish (Mystacoleucus padangensis) constituting presumed fish species just life at this lake [1] and becomes one of typical food. Research pro cast 19 species fish out freshwater waters live at Singkarak's Lake habitat, Jazzy regency and Plain, West sumatra (Sumbar), with its foodstuff accessibility that circumscribed.
Of 19 its specieses, three specieses amongst those have tall density population, namely fishes out Bilih / Biko (Mystacoleusus padangensis Blkr), Asang / Nilem (Osteochilus brachmoides) and Rinuak. Another fish species the living one at Lake Singkarak is, Turiak / turiq (Cyclocheilichthys de Zwani), Lelan / Nillem (Osteochilis vittatus), Sasau / Barau (Hampala mocrolepidota) and Gariang / Tor (Tor tambroides).

Then, species fishes out Kapiek (Puntius shwanefeldi) and Balinka / Belingkah (Puntius Belinka), Baung (Macrones planiceps), Kalang (Clarias batrachus), Bloated Jabuih / (Tetradon mappa), Kalai / is Carp (Osphronemus is lac's carp) and Puyu / Betok (Anabas testudeneus).

Hereafter, species fishes out Sapek / Sepat (Trichogaster trichopterus), Tilan (mastacembelus unicolor), Jumpo / is Cork (Chana striatus), Kiuang / is Cork (Chana pleurothalmus) and Mujaie / Mujair (Tilapia pleurothalmus), add Hafrijal.
With there's only 19 species fish out the living ones at Singkarak's Lake point out fish variety locally don't telalu high. Condition of mesogotrofik Singkarak's Lake that cause energis this habitat advocate for developing and water being growth as plankton and betos, really circumscribed.
Of several times research point out plankton population and betos at Singkarak's Lake very low.
Eventually plankton community (fitoplankton and zooplankton) constituting basis of be formed a food chain eye and holds role very important in a lake ecosystem.
Condition of that, causing nutrisi's source main fishes out natural ala by and large be various plankton type and bentos.

Singkarak's lake lies on co-ordinate geographical position 0, 36 south Transversal degrees (LS) and 100,3 East Longwayses (BT) with high 363,5 meters above the sea level (mdpl).

Far ranging Singkarak's Lake water level reaches 11.200 hectares with longing maximum 20 kilometers and wide 6,5 kilometers and depth 268 meters. This lake have current region along 1.076 kilometer with raining 82 until 252 melimeter per moon.



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I am human ordinary one mutually need among humanity n mutually share.. Your smile best friend rainbow supposing in life me your Laugh its fun supposing day which I pass through I at bear at it correct small town at padangsidimpuan's city,north sumatra,smallest child and is raised at padangsidimpuan
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