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Senin, 31 Agustus 2009

ketidak pastian dalam kehidupan

"Pengetahuan terkait dengan fakta , tetapi peristiwa-peristiwa yang terhubungkan dengan keputusan-keputusan kita bukanlah fakta.
Peristiwa-peristiwa tersebut berada di masa depan dan bersambungan dengan keputusan-keputusan kita di masa sekarang. Bahkan setelah terjadi pun, peristiwa-peristiwa tadi berbeda dengan fakta-fakta yang membentuk materi subjek ilmu alam, karena mereka akan sudah terpengaruhi oleh apa yang kita pikirkan.
Hubungan antara pemikiran dan realitas bersifat reflektif , apa yang kita pikirkan mempunya cara untuk mempengaruhi apa yang kita jalankan. Fenomena alam berjalan sendiri tanpa peduli bagaimana pikiran kita. Hanya di bidang sosial, refleksivitas itu menjadi relevan .
Refleksivitas bukanlah satu-satunya sumber ketidakpastian, apakah dalam pemikiran kita ataupun dalam realitas--tetapi apabila terjadi, hal itu menciptakan tambahan sumber ketidakpastian "
Anda tak bisa mengubah apa pun yang telah terjadi.
Anda tak bisa menarik perkataan yang telah terucapkan.
Anda tak mungkin lagi menghapus kesalahan;
dan mengulangi kegembiraan yang anda rasakan kemarin.
Biarkan hari kemarin lewat; lepaskan saja...
Hingga mentari esok hari terbit,
Anda tak tahu apa yang akan terjadi.
Anda tak bisa melakukan apa-apa esok hari.
Anda tak mungkin sedih atau ceria di esok hari.
Esok hari belum tiba; biarkan saja...
 Pintu masa lalu telah tertutup;
Pintu masa depan pun belum tiba.
Pusatkan saja diri anda untuk hari ini.
Anda dapat mengerjakan lebih banyak hal hari ini
bila anda mampu memaafkan hari kemarin dan melepaskan
ketakutan akan esok hari.
Hiduplah hari ini. Karena, masa lalu dan masa depan
hanyalah permainan pikiran yang rumit.
Hiduplah apa adanya.
Karena yang ada hanyalah hari ini; hari ini yang abadi.
Perlakukan setiap orang dengan kebaikan hati dan
rasa hormat, meski mereka berlaku buruk pada anda.
Cintailah seseorang sepenuh hati hari ini,
karena mungkin besok cerita sudah berganti.
Ingatlah bahwa anda menunjukkan penghargaan pada
orang lain bukan karena siapa mereka, tetapi karena
siapakah diri anda sendiri jadi teman,
jangan biarkan masa lalu mengekangmu atau
masa depan membuatmu bingung, lakukan yang terbaik.


percaya diri

Terimalah diri anda sebagaimana adanya.
Percayalah terhadap kemampuan anda untuk meraih apa yang anda inginkan dalam hidup
Pedulilah pada kemampuan anda meraih apa yang anda inginkan dalam hidup
Arahkan pikiran pada hal-hal positif yang meningkatkan kepercayaan diri
Terimalah penghargaan yang diberi orang lain dengan tetap berusaha menjadi yang terbaik Hadapi masalah dengan benar dan yakin
Berangkatlah dari kebenaran
Pekerjaan rumah adalah langkah penting untuk pengumpulan informasi
Abaikan celaan orang yang menghalangi jalan anda mencapai tujuan
Rasa iri dapat membuat anda tidak menghargai kelebihan anda sendiri
Terus berusaha walaupun beberapa kali gagal
Belajar dari kesalahan dan berusaha untuk tidak mengulanginya  Perhatikan urusan sendiri dan tidak menyebar gosip tentang orang lain



Teman, kata sederhana yang tidak mudah ditemukan dalam kenyataan
Teman, tak semua yang dekat bisa berlabelkannya
Teman, ada kerinduan untuk selalu dapat bertemu dengan sosok sepertinya
Pernahkah kau temukan seseorang yang senantiasa setia di sisimu
kala kau jatuh dan hilang asa.
Pernahkah kau dapati sesosok makhluk
yang selalu tahan mendengar kisahmu
kala angin membawa berita-berita busuk tentangmu.
Pernahkah handphone berdering di tengah malam,
hanya untuk sebuah kalimat pendek
"Apa Kabar Imanmu Malam ini ?"
Pernahkah kau tangkap butiran air mata
yang disembunyikan, sehabis doa panjang
yang padanya terselip namamu.
Dialah teman sejatimu


tentang waktu

Ambillah waktu untuk berfikir, itu adalah sumber kekuatan.
Ambillah waktu untuk bermain, itu adalah rahasia dari masa muda yang abadi.
Ambillah waktu untuk berdoa, itu adalah sumber ketenangan.
Ambillah waktu untuk belajar, itu adalah sumber kebijaksanaan.
Ambillah waktu untuk mencintai dan dicintai, itu adalah hak istimewa yang diberikan Tuhan.
Ambillah waktu untuk bersahabat, itu adalah jalan menuju kebahagiaan.
Ambillah waktu untuk tertawa, itu adalah musik yang menggetarkan hati.
Ambillah waktu untuk memberi, itu adalah membuat hidup terasa berarti.
Ambillah waktu untuk bekerja, itu adalah nilai keberhasilan.
Ambillah waktu untuk beramal, itu adalah kunci menuju syurga.Harta yang paling menguntungkan ialah SABAR. Teman yang paling akrab adalah AMAL. Pengawal peribadi yang paling waspada diam. Bahasa yang paling manis senyum. Dan ibadah yang paling indah tentunya khusuk.Wanita yang cantik tanpa peribadi yang mulia ,umpama kaca mata yang bersinar-bersinar, tetapi tidak melihat apa-apaJangan sekali-kali kita meremehkan sesuatu perbuatan baik walaupun hanya sekadar senyuman.Anda bukan apa yang anda fikirkan tentang anda, tetapi apa yang anda fikirkan itulah anda Hidup tak selalunya indah tapi yang indah itu tetap hidup dalam kenangan.
Hidup memerlukan pengorbananan. Pengorbanan memerlukan perjuangan. Perjuangan memerlukan ketabahan.
Ketabahan memerlukan keyakinan. Keyakinan pula menentukan kejayaan. Kejayaan pula akan menentukan kebahagiaan.Kekayaan bukanlah satu dosa dan kecantikan bukanlah satu kesalahan.Oleh itu jika anda memiliki kedua-duanya janganlah anda lupa pada Yang Maha Berkuasa.Sampan tidak akan dapat belayar di padang pasir betapa pun jua empuknya pasir itu -Pepatah Arab: Perjalanan seribu batu bermula dari satu langkah.
Kalaulah anda tidak mampu untuk menggembirakan orang lain, janganlah pula anda menambah dukanya.Gantungkan azam dan semangatmu setinggi bintang di langit dan rendahkan hatimu serendah mutiara di lautanSaya percaya, esok sudah tidak boleh mengubah apa yang berlaku hari ini, tetapi hari ini masih boleh mengubah apa yang akan terjadi pada hari esok.


sang waktu

waktu jam terus berputar
Hari-hari berjalan dengan lambat
Minggu-minggu merangkak dengan pelan
Bulan-bulan berlari dengan cepat
Tahun-tahun melesat tanpa terlihat
Dari mana kamu berasal?
Kemana kamu kan membawaku?
Bolehkah aku sekedar berteman denganmu?
Menggandengmu ketika berjalan
Bermain denganmu sampai kutemui lelahku
Dan mengingatkanku ketika ku tlah tertinggal.
Sungguh.. aku ingin menjagamu
Tapi aku selalu saja lupa waktu.

Bila waktu bernafasku hanya sampai hari ini
Kan kusayangi semua orang yang ada disampingku
Biar mereka tau ku menyayangi mereka.
Kan kutarik semua ucapan kasarku
Biar lidah ini kuhiasi dengan kata maaf
Kan kucintai semua orang
Biar mereka tau ku mencintai mereka tanpa henti
Kan kulakukan yang terbaik hari ini
Biar ada yang bisa kubawa ketika ku pergi
Kan kuhapus semua penyesalanku
Biar semua kenangan hanyalah tinggal kenangan.
Mengapa tak kujalani semuanya setiap hari?
Meraih masa depan dan melupakan masa lalu.

Tapi waktu..
Tak mudah kujalani semuanya
Aku hanyalah insan yang lemah
Insan yang selalu melalaikan waktu
Yang bisa tertawa lalu menangis sepanjang waktu
Yang bisa menerima lalu lupa memberi
Yang bisa mencintai tapi lupa menjaganya
Yang bisa berkata-kata tapi tak bisa menerapkannya
Yang bisa berjanji tapi lupa memenuhinya
Yang bisa bersenandung tapi lupa syairnya.
Maafkan Tuhanku, aku belum bisa menjaga waktuku


Minggu, 30 Agustus 2009


Aku mungkin tak setampan
yang kau impikan
suaraku mungkin tak
semerdu yg kau rindukan
Aku hanya manusia
Aku tak bisa memilih
ketika aku dilahirkan
Aku tak ingin menyesali
bagaiman kehidupan Aku....
Aku hanya ingin
merasakan susah senang nya kehidupan ini
Aku haya ingin
menghargai hidup ini.
mungkin ini lah jalan kehidupan Aku


Sabtu, 29 Agustus 2009


'hari kian berganti
waktu kian belalu
namun ku masih saja
seperti dulu
tak bisa melupakanmu
biarlah ku hidup

dalam bayangmu
yang selalu hadir di benak ku
meski ku tau kau bukanlah untuku
perlahan kan ku hapus namamu
kupu kupu seakan menari dan bahagia
melihat apa yg terjadi padaku
biarlah aku yg mengalah
hanya satu doaku
semoga dia yg terbaik untukmu
Kulihat Lembayung Cintamu
Terulur Sejuk...
Diantara Panas Mentari...
Menyiram Kalbu Ku
Yang Gersang...
Memupuk Mimpi...
Dalam Benak Ku...
Indah Diri Mu...
Tak Terlukis .....
Tak Tergambar Rindu Ini
Ku Hanyut Dalam Angan-angan..
Yang Memabukkan...
Mengejar Asa...
Yang Menggoda Riuh...
Lihat Lah Aku...
Yang Berdiri Disini...
Memandangmu Hangat..
Menyambut Cintamu Lembut
Menanggalkan Mimpi..

Sendiri Ini Menghujamku..
Saat Tak Bersamamu
Waktu Bermain ...
Diantara Galau Rinduku
Hati Ini Berbunga...
Ketika Kau Bersama Ku
Cinta Ini Berbahagia
Ketika Kudengar SuaraMu
Biarkan Aku...
Mencintaimu Selama Nya
Merangkai Kasih ..
Yang Terbesar ....
Mencipta Cinta....
Yang Terhangat ....
Hanya Dengan Mu ....
Jangan Balikkan Langkahmu
Jangan Palingkan Wajahmu
Jangan Ukirkan ..
Luka Dihatiku ....
Hidupkan Cinta Ini ..
Di Bening Jiwamu...


Jumat, 28 Agustus 2009

cinta semu

datang kau tak inginku
ku tau kau permainkanku
tapi kusuka itu
tak mau kutanam cinta dalam hatiku
karna kutau
dia kan tumbuh dan menusuk jiwaku
tapi jika kau maw kan kurawat itu
sampai hayatku
meski ku tau ini hanya cinta semu



Ku tahu… mungkin tak mudah tuk lupakan masa yang t’lah lalu

Ku tahu… tak mudah tuk sembuhkan luka karena penghianatan

Ku juga tahu… tak mudah bagimu tuk membuka pintu hati

Tapi ku takkan bosan, ku takkan berhenti tuk mengetuk pintu itu
Sampai kau buka, sampai ku masuk ke dalam ruang hatimu

Ku tak perduli apakah engkau memberikanku tempat untuk duduk
Ku juga tak terduli apakah kau berikanku minum atau tidak
Ku hanya ingin kau menerimaku dihatimu

Ku kan setia tuk menanti, kapan saatnya kau tersenyum tulus untukku
Ku kan setia tuk menunggu, kapan saatnya kau hidangkan CINTA untukku

Jika kau ragu dan jika kau bimbang
Kan ku tuntun langkahmu tuk arungi bahtera cinta yang membara dihatimu
Sampai kau yakin tuk ucapkan…



ketika mata masih terlelap oleh mimpi
belum terusik ataupun tersadar
ketika bulan masih tersenyum indah untuk bumi
masih bersinar dengan cahayanya
semuanya dapat bermimpi indah
semuanya dapat bermain cahaya
tapi semua harus sirna
belum lagi fajar menjelang
belum sempat rambut tersisir
kau harus kutinggalkan
jika esok perahu kan berlabuh
mengarungi sungai penuh bakau
jangan bersedih
jika esok kapal kan berlayar
meniggalkan dermaga tua
saksi bisu antara kita
jangan pula kau menangis
tapi tersenyumlah
karena waktu pastikan membawaku
kembali bersamamu


dengarkanlah isi hatiku

berteduhlah dalam naungan kepakan sayap malaikat cinta

bersandarlah di pundaku saat dirimu merasa sedih

agar kau merasakan pahit manisnya cinta bersamaku


Kamis, 27 Agustus 2009

semua nya sudah sirnah

ku ulang!
kisah cinta
diantara kita saat ini
mungkin indah,
meski aku dan juga dirimu mencoba tuk bertahan.
tapi, itu smua hanya sementara
dan tidak akan pernah tahu apa penyebabnya..
lupakan saja, karna takmungkin lagi kita saling memiliki…
hingga kusadari smua memang haruslah berakhir.
sudahlah…kita akhiri saja
karna kan sia-sia,coba memandang dengan hati
mungkin jauh disana ada cinta yang sangat indah
menanti kita bukan aku dan juga dirimu
yang menginginkan smua terjadi.
maafkan bila…aku harus pergi
maafkan bila..kita berpisah
trima kasih..telah menyayangiku selama ini
trima kasih…atas cinta yang pernah kau berikan,
sampai nanti…walau berat tuk kuucapkan
sampai nanti…karna aku sayang kamu
sampai nanti…bila semua benar terjadi..


untuk orang spesial di hatiku

gemuruh ombak adalah suaramu...
desisan angin adalah bisikanmu...
kicaun burung adalah tawamu...
kilauan bintang adalah cerah nya wajahmu...
lukisan pelangi adalah indahnya bola matamu...
sejuknya pagi adalah senyummu...


Ungkapan Hati

hidup ini terukir penuh cerita
yang ada hanya tentang cinta
semua tentang cinta antara kau dan aku
oh kekasihku
bila aku berdusta
itu semua karena cinta
yang terkekang abadi bersamamu
tak ingin kunodai cinta hanya karena khilafku
izinkan dusta ini berdiri berbicara tegas
menutupi semua khilafku
demi cinta yang kumiliki untukmu


Kenangan dan Kenyataan

Terdiam merenung sendu
Ku bersenandung rindu
Terbayang perjalanan waktu
Sebuah kisah masa lalu

Tiada lagi nyanyian surga
Tiada lage penghibur lara
Tiada lage damai dalam jiwa
Hanya ada Bintang penuh derita
Hanya ada Langit yang kian terluka
Seakan hendak berkata
Inilah nafas Kehidupanku

Senyuman pun kian membeku
Dalam dinginnya gelap hitam malam
Tangisan pun kian melarut pilu
Dalam harunya lautan malam
Seakan hendak bercerita
Inilah jejak yang harus kutempuh

Sanggupkah kulalui badai angin pasir rindu
Sanggupkah kulupakan indahnya sejuta pesona mimpi
Sanggupkah kulangkahkan kaki melewati panas inti bumi
Sanggupkah kubenamkan diriku dalam lautan kelam
Sanggupkah kubertahan dalam dinginnya hembusan angin salju

Hanya ada satu jawaban hati
Kan Kulalui dan kujalani dengan kasih murni setulus hati


Rabu, 26 Agustus 2009




Sipiso-piso terletak lebih kurang 24 km ke utara Kabanjahe menuju ke arah Danau Toba, merupakan air terjun yang terkenal dengan ketinggian lebih kurang 360 kaki sebelum mengalir ke Danau Toba. Daerah ini memiliki pemandangan yang indah seperti daerah Tao Silalahi yang berada di dekatnya dan terletak di bagian utara Danau Toba.


danau toba



Danau Toba adalah sebuah danau vulkanik dengan ukuran luas 100km x 30km di Sumatera Utara, Sumatera, Indonesia. Di tengah danau ini terdapat sebuah pulau vulkanik bernama Pulau Samosir.

Danau Toba sejak lama menjadi daerah tujuan wisata penting di
Sumatera Utara selain Bukit Lawang dan Nias, menarik wisatawan domestik
maupun mancanegara.

Diperkirakan Danau Toba terjadi saat ledakan sekitar 73.000-75.000 tahun yang lalu dan merupakan letusan supervolcano (gunung berapi super) yang paling baru. Bill Rose dan Craig Chesner dari Michigan Technological University memperkirakan bahwa bahan-bahan vulkanik yang dimuntahkan gunung itu sebanyak 2800km3, dengan 800km3 batuan ignimbrit dan 2000km3
abu vulkanik yang diperkirakan tertiup angin ke barat selama 2 minggu.
Debu vulkanik yang ditiup angin telah menyebar ke separuh bumi, dari
cina sampai ke afrika selatan. Letusannya terjadi selama 1 minggu dan
lontaran debunya mencapai 10 KM diatas permukaan laut.
Kejadian ini menyebabkan kematian massal dan pada beberapa spesies juga diikuti kepunahan. Menurut beberapa bukti DNA,
letusan ini juga menyusutkan jumlah manusia sampai sekitar 60% dari
jumlah populasi manusia bumi saat itu yaitu sekitar 60 juta manusia.
Letusan itu juga ikut menyebabkan terjadinya zaman es, walaupun para
ahli masih memperdebatkan soal itu.
Setelah letusan tersebut, terbentuk kaldera yang kemudian terisi oleh air dan menjadi yang sekarang dikenal sebagai Danau Toba. Tekanan ke atas oleh magma yang belum keluar menyebabkan munculnya Pulau Samosir .


danau toba

Danau Toba adalah sebuah danau vulkanik dengan ukuran luas 100km x 30km di Sumatera Utara, Sumatera, Indonesia. Di tengah danau ini terdapat sebuah pulau vulkanik bernama Pulau Samosir.

Danau Toba sejak lama menjadi daerah tujuan wisata penting di
Sumatera Utara selain Bukit Lawang dan Nias, menarik wisatawan domestik
maupun mancanegara.

Diperkirakan Danau Toba terjadi saat ledakan sekitar 73.000-75.000 tahun yang lalu dan merupakan letusan supervolcano (gunung berapi super) yang paling baru. Bill Rose dan Craig Chesner dari Michigan Technological University memperkirakan bahwa bahan-bahan vulkanik yang dimuntahkan gunung itu sebanyak 2800km3, dengan 800km3 batuan ignimbrit dan 2000km3
abu vulkanik yang diperkirakan tertiup angin ke barat selama 2 minggu.
Debu vulkanik yang ditiup angin telah menyebar ke separuh bumi, dari
cina sampai ke afrika selatan. Letusannya terjadi selama 1 minggu dan
lontaran debunya mencapai 10 KM diatas permukaan laut.
Kejadian ini menyebabkan kematian massal dan pada beberapa spesies juga diikuti kepunahan. Menurut beberapa bukti DNA,
letusan ini juga menyusutkan jumlah manusia sampai sekitar 60% dari
jumlah populasi manusia bumi saat itu yaitu sekitar 60 juta manusia.
Letusan itu juga ikut menyebabkan terjadinya zaman es, walaupun para
ahli masih memperdebatkan soal itu.
Setelah letusan tersebut, terbentuk kaldera yang kemudian terisi oleh air dan menjadi yang sekarang dikenal sebagai Danau Toba. Tekanan ke atas oleh magma yang belum keluar menyebabkan munculnya Pulau Samosir .


beach sibolga


Sabtu, 22 Agustus 2009

beach is Banda aceh

(BANDA IS ACHEH) - jealously. Nanggroe's Province government Darussalam's Acheh (NAD) targetting arrival around 12 thousand mancanegara's tourists per year to enjoy a variety object wisata at that region.
 "That target we can reach if all party at one's back back tourism sector progress Acheh," say head on duty culture and NAD'S Province Tourism, Mirzan Fuadi, at Banda Acheh, Tuesday.
Acheh government goes on to get effort fixs wisata's object sort especially at five regencies / city that becomes Wisata's Aim Region (DTW) pledge, namely Banda's City Acheh, Sabang, Acheh regency Intermediates, South-east acheh, and Singkil's Acheh.
wisata's object potential has secured to pull otherwise tourist yen backed up by main supporting infrastructure accessibility as transportation, including road wend wisata's area.
 "We hope to mark sense internation direct flight, e.g. Malaysia Acheh and Thailand, as one have once digagas in programs trilateral growth namely Indonesian, Thailand's malaysia," allegedly.
Besides, budget problem that haven't is equal to is still become one of constraint in advance tourism sector at tip province most that Indonesian western.
Mirzan says, besides aesthetical nature, cultural potency and another uniqueness that can constitute tourist affinity to visit Acheh.
Other effort that being done by Acheh Government to pull touristed visit yen, namely codex reassembling, increasing cultural activity and promotion.
Special for Banda's City Acheh, say Mirzan, sector that becomes pledge be history, culture, and tsunami. While for Sabang's City, maritime potency is still become pledge to rake in wisman's visit current


Enjoying Sunset at Lhok Nga

Enjoying Sunset at Lhok Nga
This Lhok Nga's beach most count so multitude at days off, beginning of noon until coming eventide. So if wants to enjoy its calm, ensure to choose ordinary weekday. But in common, even multitude, but its extensive beach memanjang makes a abode can keep all hundreds even thousands person that wants to enjoy sunset's atmosphere in here. Its distance is even close to city Banda Acheh, just 15 minutes of downtowns if go up cars and also motor, and its location leaves the back with Tip beach location Batee.
As compared to Batee's Tip beach and also Lampuuk's Beach, Lhok Nga's beach constitute the most beach most develop, Privy medium and many simple cafes for recessed a lot of found coastwise it. Even at this beach also available life guard with tower supervisor, within reason film Baywatch. In the presence this rescuer team initiated by one local organization that initially dimotori by intern employ that works at Banda Acheh.
Lhok Nga always clamorous by local tourist visit and also strange (obesity strange employ that colours Acheh), including by gets a lot of surfing beneficiary. Its tall rolling wave but breaking down flawless at kehitaman's sandy beach gets to mix cockle color turns white, make pretend peselancar not boring row its board goes to ocean mean.
Another lovely landscape is while the sun draw near to sink, sunset at Lhok Nga is pretty landscape that severely fond if is overlooked pitches upon. Set wave splashing escorted by mendayu's sway wind, constituting romantic conjugate.
Not to mention while enjoys corn burn nice and young coconut ice that is dished direct with batoknya kucuran's plus lime on that young coconut, its relish!
But just after adzan maghrib echos, shortly gets ready readily to step out leaves beach, if doesn't want You beautiful memory teased by severally juvenile local that don't loathing drive out beach visitor for shortly over of this location.
Lampuuk, Aesthetical hidden one
Lampuuk's beach as well as beach individuality at Acheh, implicatly memanjang, of northern until south. Before, before tsunami scene happens, at this beach so multitude with fresh fish huckster as place of eatings, one that offers to roast and memasakan is that fish to be able to direct being enjoyed by beach visitors. But nots currently descry one place even that similar eating again. One will go to coincide it with luruhnya rimbunan spruce at beach bank that bertumbangan effect tsunami rubbing.
But Lampuuk's beach best of all tip is still leave alone eksotisme one gets bounds with tall precipitous wall. Its blue is water goes out to sea nan flashes green, coherent with its blue sky and its green grove upon that precipitous hill. A best friend sees precipitous hill wall and menggumamkan makes mouth water to climb up it. Must it one also be felt beneficiaries elongated wall if approach this location.
Its aesthetical really cover-up, its position is sooth even well-nigh equals minute calculation wend Lhok Nga, but silence that is on the market this beach really as affinity which variably.
Herein visitor can't swim, its wave eddy is over perilous, have a lot of victim sinks while try swimming at this location. Its place is more correct to be made enjoys is beautiful beach landscape and free nature.
In as much as eye sees, just aesthetical colour nature which caught by visual sense. Its sand is sand even white, in many its beach flank, sand as soft as and as white as flour can be found. This beach utmost snugly to menyepi, most more while heart be dejected, by sees its aesthetical, pretend all distress luruh stands up with beach wind blowing that melembut gently.
Enjoying calm evening, while takes in transcendent alone stock encouraged, are understand of this is beach the one only of beach third that is worked through previous, that don't offer shop and also booth as simple as whatever. Aptly just meyajikan unequaled virgin beauty.


Jumat, 21 Agustus 2009

windows media player 11 windows vista

Windows Media Player 11 is loaded with smart, fun features that breathe new life into your music collection and create a much more personal entertainment experience. The new design lets you get the most out of your digital library and enjoy simple solutions for managing it all.

Discover new music

Many of the great stores that you visited in Windows Media Player 10 are available in this version of the Player as well. To find a store, just click the Browse all Online Stores option on the tab to the right of the Sync tab. The name of the tab changes depending on the menu option you select (Online Stores, Media Guide, or the name of your favorite store). See a list of stores available in Windows Media Player 11.

Media Guide and Internet radio

All of the features that you loved about the Guide in previous versions of the Player are still available in Windows Media Player 11. The Guide offers free music videos, movie trailers, and quick access to online radio stations. To access the Guide, just click the tab to the right of the Sync tab, and then click Media Guide. Use the Internet Radio link (located in the right column of each page) to easily search for stations around the world.

Great options for ripping CDs

Do you have CDs that you want to copy into your Windows Media Player library? No problem. Windows Media Player 11 makes ripping your entire music collection fast and simple. Learn more about ripping CDs.

In addition to the current format options for ripping your music—Windows Media Audio (WMA), MP3, Windows Media Audio (Variable Bit Rate), and Windows Media Audio (Lossless)—Windows Media Player 11 introduces two new options: Windows Media Audio Pro and WAV (Lossless). For more information, see Change settings for ripping music.


SyncToy v2.0

SyncToy 2.0 for Windows is available as a free download from the Microsoft Download Center. The easy to use, customizable application helps you copy, move, rename, and delete files between folders and computers.

There are files from all kinds of sources that we want to store and manage. Files are created by our digital cameras, e-mail, cell phones, portable media players, camcorders, PDAs, and laptops. Increasingly, computer users are using different folders, drives, and even different computers (such as a laptop and a desktop) to store, manage, retrieve, and view files. Yet managing hundreds or thousands of files is still largely a manual operation. In some cases it is necessary to regularly get copies of files from another location to add to primary location; in other cases there is a need to keep two storage locations exactly in sync. Some users manage files manually, dragging and dropping from one place to another and keeping track of whether the locations are synchronized in their heads. Other users may use two or more applications to provide this functionality.

Now there is an easier way. SyncToy, a free PowerToy for Microsoft Windows, is an easy to use, highly customizable program that helps users to do the heavy lifting involved with the copying, moving, and synchronization of different directories. Most common operations can be performed with just a few clicks of the mouse, and additional customization is available without additional complexity. SyncToy can manage multiple sets of folders at the same time; it can combine files from two folders in one case, and mimic renames and deletes in another case. Unlike other applications, SyncToy actually keeps track of renames to files and will make sure those changes get carried over to the synchronized folder.

We have collected feedback from the discussion forum on the Windows XP Professional Photography web site, from customer feedback surveys, from a large number of professional and hobbyist photographers at Microsoft, and from various world-wide forums, sites, reviews, and blogs on the web. Based on your feedback, the following features were added to this release of SyncToy:

  • Dynamic Drive Letter Assignment: Drive letter reassignment will now be detected and updated in the folder pair definition.
  • True Folder Sync: Folder creates, renames, and deletes are now synchronized for all SyncToy actions.
  • Exclusion Filtering Based on Name: File exclusion based on name with exact or fuzzy matching.
  • Filtering Based on File Attributes: The ability to exclude files based on one or more file attributes (Read-Only, System, Hidden).
  • Unattended Folder Pair Execution: Addressed issues related to running scheduled folder pairs while logged off.
  • Folder Pairs With Shared Endpoints: Ability for folder pairs associated with the same or different instances of SyncToy to share end-points.
  • Command line enhancements: Added the ability to manage folder pairs via the command line interface.
  • Re-Architect Sync Engine: The SyncToy engine has been rearchitected to provide scalability and the ability to add significant enhancements in future releases.
  • Sync engine is also more robust insomuch that many single, file level errors are skipped without affecting the entire sync operation.
  • Sync Encrypted Files: Sync of Encrypted files works when local folder and files are encrypted, which addresses the common scenario involving sync between local, encrypted laptop PC folder and remote, unencrypted desktop PC folder.
  • 64-Bit Support: SyncToy now has a native 64-bit build (x64 only) for 64-bit versions of Windows.
  • Folder pair rename
  • Sub-folder Exclusion Enhancements: Descendents created under excluded sub-folders are automatically excluded. Usability improvements for the sub-folder exclusion dialog.
  • Folder Pair Metadata Moved: Folder pair metadata removed from MyDocuments to resolve any issues with server-based folder pair re-direction setup.
  • Setup Improvements: Integrated setup with single self-extracting archive file and no extra downloads if you already have .NET Framework 2.0 installed. Enabled silent install for the SyncToy Installer file (see readme.txt file for more information). Removed combine and subscribe actions.
  • Removed combine and subscribe actions.

Note: We've taken great care to ensure that this tool operates as it should, but it is not part of Windows and is not supported by Microsoft Technical Support. For this reason, Microsoft Technical Support is unable to answer questions about SyncToy. To speak to other users and contribute feedback about your experiences with SyncToy, please use the forums.


HD Photo Plug-ins for Photoshop are Released

HD Photo Plug-ins for Photoshop are Released

HD Photo plug-ins for Adobe® Photoshop® CS2 and CS3 have been officially released for both Windows and OSX. They're available now from the Microsoft Download Center.

Here are the separate downloads for Windows and OSX.

The Windows version is supported on Windows XP and Windows Vista, and works with Photoshop CS2 and CS3. While not officially supported, it will also work with limited features with older versions of Photoshop and with Photoshop Elements. The included README file has details.

The OSX version works with both 10.4 (Tiger) and 10.5 (Leopard), and supports Photoshop CS2 and CS3.

The features supported on Windows and OSX are identical. The files created with either version are fully compatible with each other and with Windows Vista, Windows Live Photo Gallery, the HD Photo Device Porting Kit, and several other applications that support HD Photo.

I previously posted information about the features provided in the plug-in and an overview of the encoder parameters and what they do. Take a look at previous blog entries here and here. I also gave a presentation at WinHEC 2007 about HD Photo Best Practices. While targeted primarily for hardware developers, the presentation contains a lot of information that may be useful for Photoshop users that want to best optimize their encoder parameters. You can find a copy of the presentation here: WinHEC 2007: HD Photo Implementation Guidelines.

If you've been using the beta version released last summer, you won't find anything new here (other than the removal of the expiration date and the absence of BETA in the name.) All the changes we've made since the last beta are under the covers, fixing a couple minor bugs, addressing several theoretical security vulnerabilities and generally bringing the code up to current Microsoft standards for released software. But on the surface, the released plug-ins look and act identical to the most recent betas. Don't forget that the BETA versions will expire on December 31st, so you should definitely download and install these new released versions.

Once again, I'd like to acknowledge and thank Pegasus Imaging Systems for their participation in the development of these plug-ins.


Microsoft Pro Photo Tools 2

Microsoft Pro Photo Tools provides a set of tools for photographers to perform various tasks with their images—including RAW captures. The current version enables you to quickly geotag your photos, view and edit metadata, and more, leveraging the power of Windows and Microsoft Live Local.

New in Microsoft Pro Photo Tools 2

  • Support for reading and writing metadata to/from XMP side cars so that metadata will interoperate with Adobe products. This is in addition to reading and writing from the file.
  • Users can convert from RAW to JPEG, TIFF, and HD Photo using "As Shot" settings. This includes the ability to resize the image.
  • Users can view actual RAW image in addition to thumbnails
  • Support for 64-bit Windows
  • Support for international locales
  • Improved UI for geotagging

Pro Photo Tools includes the following features:

Geotagging with flexibility

As geotagging gains popularity, photographers want to be able to quickly identify the location for their images. With Pro Photo Tools, you can gather location information from a variety of sources and apply it to the metadata in your images.

Determine location name automatically

With Pro Photo Tools, you can automatically apply the actual name of the location where a photo was taken based on the GPS coordinates. Instead of numbers, you'll have the "real" names, and that information can then be saved in the metadata for your photos.

Determine GPS coordinates from location name

Just because you haven't always had a GPS receiver doesn't mean you can't assign GPS coordinates to your photos. In fact, using the power of Microsoft Live Local you can determine the GPS coordinates where any photo was taken based on location name information in the image metadata. The GPS coordinates can then be added to the metadata for your photos and the photos plotted on a map.

Identify location on a map

For the maximum in flexibility when assigning a location to an image, you can navigate to the precise location where you took a given photo and tag the photo with that location information based on a specific position on the map.

View images on a map

As cool as it is to have GPS coordinate information connected to your images, to really get a sense of place with your photos, you need to view them on a map. Pro Photo Tools utilizes Windows Live Local to display your images on a map of the world, including the ability to view your images on a normal map or a satellite view of the world.

Edit image metadata

Metadata has become increasingly important to photographers as a way to manage and organize their images. Among the many things it enables is a rich capability to search for images. You can now update a wide range of metadata for your images using Pro Photo Tools, and that metadata gets stored in the actual image file, so wherever your photo goes, your data goes.

RAW support

By leveraging the Windows Imaging Components (WIC), we're able to provide support for any RAW file format (in addition to TIFF and JPEG) for which a codec has been developed. And that includes most RAW file formats. Not only can you view your RAW images within Pro Photo Tools, you can also update metadata—including GPS coordinates—directly in the file. The updated metadata is stored within the RAW file, not in a cumbersome "sidecar" file. (For information on obtaining codecs for your RAW images or other file formats, visit Codecs for Windows.


Pro Photo Tools was built with extensibility in mind. Rather than creating a one-off tool, we created a framework we can leverage for future tools. This will allow us to add additional functionality in future versions of Pro Photo Tools more efficiently. That means you'll get more features sooner.

For more information on how to use Microsoft Pro Photo Tools, see the article Geotagging Goes Mainstream.


Kamis, 20 Agustus 2009


senyummu ibarat pelangi dalam hidupku
Tawamu ibarat cerianya hari-hari yang aku lalui
Gurau canndamu umpama penyegar dalam perjalanan hidupku
Satu saat kita berkenalan untuk menjalinkan persahabatan..
Satu detik untuk saling faham-memahami…
Satu jam untuk sudah mulai beramah mesra
Satu hari sudah cukup untuk berkongsi segala cerita suka dan duka…

jangan bilang jika aku bahagia dan senang bila dalam kesedihan
jangan bilang jika aku baik dirimu dibebani kesakitan
jangan bilang jika aku berani bila dirku ini ketakutan
Dan jangan sesekali aku bilang aku ini kesendirian bila saya masih hidup…

wahai sahabatku…
Andai esok nafasku terhenti
ingatilah deti-detik terakhir diri ini
Andai esok nadiku MATI
Maafkanlah segala kesalahanku..
Hanya satu yang perlu engkau tahu
Aku gembira saat mengenalmu

percaya lah sahabat
"jangan pernah engkau tinggalkan
dan lupakan sahabatmu ini
karena sahabatlah yang bisa membuat kita bahagia
walau suka dan duka



kenangan . . .

masa lalu sudah tak ada arti nya lagi..
yang teringat hanya canda dan kesedihan
dalam gelap hati aku menangis
mengenangpun tak jadi artinya
semua yang telah terjadi
takkan kembali dan sudah sirnah

kenangan . . .
kan tercipta bila kekasih pergi
tuk selamanya
bisikan hati yang tersimpan dalam bayangan telah jadi bintang
kali ini ku takkan biarkan ia terjatuh atau menangis



Ragaku yang terduduk dalam lamunku kini
tiada menorehkan senyuman abadi lagi
Hatiku yang telah kau iris dengan luka dalam
hingga tertembus jantung ini kini tiada menangis lagi
Yang terekam manis sekarang hanyalah status palsu yang selalu kujunjung tinggi pada tiap pemerhatiku
Aku tersesat pada hatiku sendiri karena kerelaan akan melepasmu pergi tuk menebus segala dosamu padaku

Namun saat akan ku cari jalan keluar

mengapa terjadi pesimpangan yang tiap artinya berbeda akan hatiku?
Suatau masa depan cerah tanpa dirinya
atau hanya hidup dalam kesalahan yang selalu membekas di hati

Dalam kebimbangan raga dan pikiranku
yang selalu tertuju pada sisi terburuk,
cahaya jalan penerangNya perlahan mulai mampu menerangi jalanku
Walau sampai sekarangpun ku hanya mampu berharap,kini ku hanya bisa menjalankannya sambil menunggu jawaban waktu


antar benci dan bahagia

Dunia ini semakin sempit
Itu dan aku semakin ingin pergi
Tak ada satupun cahaya dalam hening
Hati membeku dan menjadi batu
Akankah semua itu tepati janji?
Ruang maaf di hati ini sudah tak muat di
Isi dengan omong kosong mereka
Zopfan pun semakin jauh
Kalau gembira datang memang aku butuh
Yang yakin pada kabar itu
Semakin jauh itu semakin aku
Iri pada mereka yang telah
Lama menjadi bahagia dengan segudang
Virus kebencian pada diriku
Andaikan nanti aku bisa melihat mimpi
Nyata pada rasa kebahagiaan dan
Yakin akan hari esok yang bahagia.


aku selalu mencintaimu

ku ingin mencintaimu

semampu hidupku

Ku ingin menyayangimu setulus hatiku
berharap engkau bisa mengerti dgn keadaan aku
Dan menerima aku apa ada nya
Walau jarak memisahkan kitaDiantara dua pulau

Namun hati ini tetap saja hanya untukmu
kau jauh dimataku,jauh dari pandangan ku
tapi selalu ada dihatiku

Walau banyak cobaan dan godaan
satu cinta yang tulus dariku
satu cinta yang suci untukmu
sehati milik kita berdua

kan ku jaga cintaku sampai nanti

Hingga waktu bisa mempertemukan

Dan menyatukan kita seperti semula

semua jawaban darimu yang selalu aku tunggu disini

Hingga hati dan jiwa ini bersatu


tak lelah aku menunggumu

Tak lelah Aku menunggumu
kembalilah dipelukankuWalau hanya sepintas lalu
walau engkau telah menjauh di seberang sana
jangan tinggalkan Aku dengan sendirian

sadarkah engkau mengapa
diriku selalu bertahan menunggumu
walau banyak cobaan yang harus aku hadapi

semua cobaan silih berganti
Yang akan memisahkan kita

karena ku sayang padamuseluruh hatiku sepenuh jiwaku

Aku rela berlumur darah demi mempertahankan hubungan kita

karena ku mencintaimu Dan Menyayangimu

jangan pernah tinggalkan aku
kembalilah kekasih dipelukanku


arti dibalik senyummu

Kusadar semua alasan untuk tetap menghormatimu
Tapi apa daya..kebencian terus merasuki
Kutahan emosi dan amarahku, mungkin menunggu sampai kita bertemu
Namun kutahu, takkan ada bahasa kemarahan yang kan keluar dari mulutku

Rotasi bumi yang tlah berputar tahunan
Tak membuatmu menjadi lebih baik
Tanaman subur di kebunmu tak kau indahkan jua
Hanya menjadi sekedar penyedap mata

Segala dosa dan kesalahan tlah menjadi makananmu
Entah hingga kapan kau kan merasa kenyang
Akankah ku tetap menyayangimu
Dengan semua jenis makananmu itu, yang tak enak rasanya untukku

Dukaku melebihi dukamu
Sedihku melebihi sedihmu
Perihku melebihi perihmu
Dan lukaku takkan bisa kau sembuhkan

Walau ku tahu apapun caraku tetap saja ku kan berada dalam lingkaran ini
Namun kau tak perlu tahu arti di balik senyumku
Aku akan tetap ada di dekatmu
Sampai ku menutup mata.



masih saja ku merindu mu..
meski langit dan bumi tak merestu..
meski hati dan logika tak menyatu..
masih saja ku merindu mu..

aku ingin mentap wajahmu walau sekali saja

lelah hati ku terus bertarung bersama logika..
mengapa tak pernah kutemukan jawaban
siapa yang mestinya ku ikuti??
Logika yang tak pernah mengizinkan rindu menghinggapi pikiran ku..
Sang hati yang selalu meminta ku mengikuti kata-katanya ??

Lagi...lagi. ..
Aku bingung!
Sedang kau masih disana
Terdiam dan tak mau tahu segala gelisah ku..

hanyalah duduk diam dan termenung

Hanya mengaharapkan diri mu kembali


kerendahahn jiwa

Kalau engkau tak mampu menjadi beringin
yang tegak di puncak bukit
Jadilah belukar, tetapi belukar yang baik,
yang tumbuh di tepi danau

Kalau kamu tak sanggup menjadi belukar,
Jadilah saja rumput, tetapi rumput yang
memperkuat tanggul pinggiran jalan

Kalau engkau tak mampu menjadi jalan raya
Jadilah saja jalan kecil,
Tetapi jalan setapak yang
Membawa orang ke mata air

Tidaklah semua menjadi kapten
tentu harus ada awak kapalnya….
Bukan besar kecilnya tugas yang menjadikan tinggi
rendahnya nilai dirimu
Jadilah saja dirimu….
Sebaik-baiknya dari dirimu sendiri


Slideshow foto


Kamis, 13 Agustus 2009

Mouse 6000 and 7000

Microsoft Wireless Laser Mouse 6000 and 7000

Microsoft Wireless Laser Mouse 7000

Microsoft has introduced two new Laser Mice: the Wireless Laser Mouse 6000 and Wireless Laser Mouse 7000, "giving consumers more choice and flexibility in their computing experience." The first one is a full-size "unique" mouse with a portable snap-in transceiver for easy storage and mobility. The good looking Laser 7000 is a rechargeable mouse sporting a mini transceiver and an ergonomic shape for hours of comfortable use. Both of them uses 2.4GHz frequency.


Rabu, 12 Agustus 2009


Modem Modem eksternal 28.8kbps

serial-port modem dari Motorola

28.8kbps's external modem
modem port serial from Motorola

Abbreviated indigenous modem MOdulator
DEModulator. Modulator constitutes

a part one change information signal
into signal bearing (Carrier) and
ready to been sent, meanwhile Demodulator
is sectioned one come to pieces information

signal (one that meaty data or send away for)
of carrier signal (carrier) one

that is accepted so that information
get with every consideration been accepted.
Modem constitutes merging the two,
its mean is modem is communication device two aims.
Each distance communication peripheral
goes away two aim generally utilize a
part the so called "modem", as VSAT,
Microwave is Radio, and other as it,
but by and large more modem terminology
known as Hardware which often been utilized
for communication on computer.

Data of computer that gets to form digital signal
to be given unto modem to be changed as analog signal.
That analog signal gets to be sent over many media telecommunications as telephonical as and radio.

One get in at intent modem,
that analog signal is changed
as digital signal returns and be sent to computer.
Available two modem type physically it,
which is external and internal modem modem.


Modem type

Modem type

1. 3GP's modem

1. GSM'S modem

Contraction from Modulator and demodulator.

Modem functioninging to inserts signal

information goes to carrier wave;

On the contrary demodulator takes is back signal

information of affiliate signal.

Subdivided modem on:

1. Amplitude Modulation( AM),

which is electronics series that changes

amplitude is carrier wave accords

with amplitude information signal.

2. Frequency Modulation( FM),

which is electronics series that changes

frequency is carrier wave accords

with frequency's change information signal.

3. Pulse Modulation( PM),

which is system pulse modulation can be differentiated as:

a. PAM( Pulse Amplitude Modulation)

arbitrary pulse amplitude of wave

according to information signal change.

b. PPM( Pulse Position Modulation),
which is arbitrary pulse position accords
phasa's angle information signal.

c. PWM( Pulse Width Modulation),
distance among arbitrary pulse
according to bearing signal frequency change.
4. Modulation Is digital, consisting of:
a. FSK( Frequency is keying's Shift),
which is bearing pulse shift accords
with outgrows binary number (analog signal that' dikodekan
1. Analog modem which is modem which change analog signal as digital signal
1. ADSL'S modem
ADSL'S technological modem (Digital Asymetric Subscribe Line)
one that enables to get net surfing wields
alae analog telephone coincide. Its trick is so easy,
to ADSL is given one tool which at conceive of Splitter or line divider.

Splitter's position is placed in front while line rings to come in. Your mean may not ramify modem line
to ADSL with straightforward voice.
Splitter's tool behoof to remove trouble
while are you are utilizing ADSL modem.
With Splitter both gets walking coincide,
where can you answer and call up someones
with ordinary telephone. At your other side makes a abode to get connected
with Internet via ADSL modem
1. Cable modem which is modem which accept direct data
2. of service provider passes TV Cable ... UMTS). Said such,
since passes through HSDPA formed by channel w CDMA a new one,
which is high speed downlink shared channel (HS DSCH)
one that... ... tem WCDMA (wideband CDMA)


Frequently asked questions on USB Modem

  1. Windows desktop does not popup a New Hardware wizard window.

    Please log-in as an Administrator and try a different USB port.

    Also, please check the existence of any unknown devices under Control Panel -> System -> Device Manager -> Modems (USB modem mode must be activated at the time). If you see an unknown device, open its Properies -> Update driver and point the installation wizard to the usbmdmtreo2k.inf file.

  2. Does Palm USB Modem support Mac OS X Leopard?

    Yes, it does. Palm USB Modem works with Leopard both in Bluetooth and USB mode.

  3. Does Windows Mobile USB Modem support Mac OS X Leopard?

    Yes, USB Modem WM 1.30 supports Mac OS X Leopard both in Bluetooth and USB mode.
    If you use Mac OS X Leopard and USB mode does not function in your cellular surroundings, feel free to contact us and tell us your device model, your OS version (WM 5.0, WM 6.0 or WM 6.1) and your cellular operator.

  4. USB Modem and Asus EEE PC.

    Unfortunately we cannot provide authoritative instructions on using USB Modem with Asus eee PC as we do not have this device. However, we have many successful reports with these instructions.

  5. USB Modem and Ubuntu.

    With Ubuntu we can recommend these instructions

  6. How does USB Modem software differ from other programs like PDAnet?

    Technically speaking, USB Modem implements USB CDC ACM protocol, while PDANet uses ActiveSync to transfer data over USB. In practice that means that USB Modem does not require ActiveSync and supports not only Windows but also Linux and Mac OS X (including Leopard) desktop operation systems. As for Bluetooth connection, technically there is no difference.

  7. Does USB Modem support Mac Wi-Fi Internet Sharing?

    Yes, it does. Using the built-in Airport wireless networking and the "internet sharing" system preference you can share the USB Modem/Treo connection (both Bluetooth and USB) at the same time on two Mac computers.
    First, make sure the "host" is connected to the internet via USB Modem and the PDA.
    Second, open System Preferences on the host MacBook Pro and choose "Sharing".
    Select enable Internet sharing, and choose the connection, and the method of sharing (Airport). See this Wi-Fi Internet Sharing screenshot.
    Then on the "guest" MacBook Pro that wants to share the internet connection, from the airport icon in the Mac's menu bar, select the name of the hosting computer with the USB Modem internet connection.

  8. The New Network Port Detected does not appear on Mac OS Leopard

    Please go to System Preferences/Network. Then click on the + on the bottom left of the window listing the ports. That will create a new service. After that please select the USB Modem item in the list, that will then add the new network port.

  9. "No dial tone" error, error 680.

    Windows desktop: the "No dial tone" error usually appears when something wrong is selected in the Connection Properties -> General tab -> Modems list. Tell us what is selected in Connection Properties -> General tab -> Modems list (USB Modem must be active at that time).

  10. WM USB Modem crashes when trying to connect.

    Make sure you stopped and closed ActiveSync.

    1. Disable USB Modem
    2. Kill the ActiveSync application
    3. Restart USB Modem
    4. Attempt to bring up PPP from your computer
  11. WM USB Modem returns a NO CARRIER error.

    Make sure you stopped and closed ActiveSync.

  12. Guidelines for using Palm USB Modem to connect via BT to a Nokia N810.

    All you have to do is to install USB modem on your Palm, disable the built-in DUN (option "suppress built-in DUN" in the USB Menu on your Palm in the top left corner), set it to Bluetooth mode and then you can go to setup the Nokia N800, N810 or Nokia 770 with just the Bluetooth connections installed on the Nokia device. No extra files are needed.

    Similarly, USB Modem works in Bluetooth mode with TomTom ONE and TomTom ONE XL devices.

  13. Palm USB Modem is frequently disconnecting when used with Mac OS X Leopard.

    Please try to enable or disable the "Send echo packets" option in the Network Properties (under PPP Options...)

  14. USB Modem is frequently disconnecting from a Windows desktop.

    Try to toggle the options in the Connection Properties -> Networking tab -> PPP settings.

  15. "Failed to enable modem mode" error when using Palm USB Modem.

    Try to enable the "suppress built-in DUN" option in the USB Modem menu (in the top left corner).

  16. I used WM USB Modem for two weeks and had at least 20 connections, suddenly the "Enable" button became unclickable.

    If you were able to use WM USB Modem and then suddenly the Enable button stops functioning, it means that the trial has expired. For some reasons on Motorola Q the trial expiration dialog may sometimes fail to appear.

  17. Under Mac OS the following error occurs: "A crossed connection has been detected. Please verify settings and try again".

    Make sure that the correct modem script is selected here - Leopard script selection. Please note that if you have a CDMA device, then you have to select "Mobile Stream CDMA". Please check your username and password as well.

  18. "Service Connecting Progress: Error: Cannot connect to the internet because a dial-up networking session is active. End the DUN session and try again. OK" The Bluetooth modem it disconnects and the laptop says: "The connection was terminated because the other side is not responding. Please try again."

    Try to enable the "suppress built-in DUN" option.
    Please make sure that no program (such as a mail or a chat application) on your Palm tries to check the internet periodically. When the modem session is active it is not possible to use Internet from the phone itself. So when an e-mail app tries to connect to Internet it fails because the resource is already used by the USB Modem session.

  19. Does USB Modem use call time minutes or a data plan?

    USB Modem uses a regular data plan.

  20. If I receive an incoming call while using USB Modem I get disconnected from the internet temporarily. Is that normal?

    Yes. This is an expected behaviour. You can try to look for third-party applications which can disable incoming calls.

  21. How to obtain Sprint user name and password.

    Sometimes blank credentials work, sometimes do not. Please see here for the Sprint password/username retrieval.

  22. When USB Modem is activated, the network connection on my phone turns off and I can't seem to get it back on without turning off USB Modem.

    USB Modem uses the internal phone modem to provide the connection and since this is a single-user resource, the on-phone Internet connection will not work.

  23. AT&T/Cingular credentials

    If you use Cingular Blue, AT&T or Nextel:
    username: blank
    password: blank

    If you use Cingular Orange:
    password: CINGULAR1
    More settings can be found here, although they are about Blackberry, the same password/username settings apply to Palm and Windows Mobile.

  24. Verizon credentials

    Usually the Verizon credentials are as follows:
    password: NNNNNNNNNN
    where NNNNNNNNNN is your phone number;
    Please note that sometimes with Verizon the dial number might be #777 and the username and password might be blank.

  25. I purchased Palm USB Modem but I am still getting a message about a trial period.

    Looks like the full version did not replace the trial one for some reason. Completely remove the trial version on the device (USBModem.prc and BtDunMgrLibStub.prc), soft-reset it. If you do not know what "Soft Reset" means read these instructions on soft resetting your Palm

  26. I have Windows XP Pro. When I open the modem status window and click properties, select usb modem, and click configure, 921.6 kb/s is the fastest speed it allows me to choose.

    That is a dummy number. The real speed could be higher or lower than this value. You can try to measure the actual speed using speedtest or mspeed.

  27. How do I get the USB Modem driver to install?

    Please note that USB Modem has its own drivers. Please see the detailed instructions on installing these drivers in the attached USBModem_UG.pdf (USBModemWM_UG.pdf). These instructions differ depending on a desktop OS.

  28. Sprint HTC Touch or Treo 700wx won't work for bluetooth.

    Please note that you should see two DUN services available on this mobile device. One is a standard "Dial-up networking" and another is "Mobile-Stream DUN". Make sure to use the second one.

  29. "Error 678: There was no answer" when I try to connect.

    First please check the basic connection to the Treo. To do this, enable the USB modem mode, go to Control Panel -> Modems -> Properties and select Diagnostics. If the exchange is ok, send us the log file. See the last question in this f.a.q. on how to send log files.

  30. While installing USB Modem I get the following error message: "Cannot create a stable subkey under a volatile parent key."

    Before the USB Modem installation please disable any firewall or antivirus software. After the installation is complete, you can enable this kind of software again.

  31. How to update a USB Modem driver on Windows Vista?

      Please try the following:
    1. Enable the USB modem mode on the Treo and connect it to the PC with a USB cable.
    2. Launch Control Panel -> System -> Device Manager. Do you see the USB Modem or Unknown USB device under "Modems" title in the device tree?
    3. If you see an unknown device, open its Properies -> Update driver and point the installation wizard to the usbmdmtreo2k.inf file.
  32. Is it possible to use Palm Treo/Palm Centro as a Bluetooth modem for T|X or Zodiac?

    We have several successful users' reports on that. You can enter USB Modem information (Connection, User Name, Password etc.) in the T|X Prefs - Network section.

  33. I cannot select a modem script, there is no selection list on my Leopard. Mobile Stream is not listed in the drop down menu of Modems from the Networking page.

    Press Network Properties - > Advanced, then select Modem tab and setup the scripts in the Vendor/Model pull-down lists as described in the following screenshot - Leopard Modem scripts selection. Please note that the screenshot shows GSM, you have to use a CDMA script if you have a CDMA phone.

    Make sure you have selected "Other" in the Vendor pull-down list in the Modem tab of the Treo network port settings

    If you still do not have the Mobile Stream CDMA script there, please try to put the scripts in the "/System/Library/Modem Scripts" or in the "/Library/Modem Scripts" folder.

  34. My problem is not described in this guide.

    Please tell us your desktop OS, your device model, your carrier, the exact error message (and/or the exact step in the installation guide which caused difficulties) and send us a log file.
    Sending a Mac log file: enable the "Use verbose logging" in the USB Modem network port properties under PPP Options... (in Mac OS Leopard you should go to System Preferences - Network, then select USB Modem and press the 'Advanced...' button and go to the PPP tab), launch Applications -> Utilities -> Console, set it to show the /var/log/system.log and try to connect again. You should see the lines appearing in log. Copy/paste them into the e-mail and send us.
    Sending a Windows log file: copy/paste C:\WINDOWS\ModemLog_Treo NNN USB Modem.txt directly into the e-mail



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